Saturday, November 29, 2008


It's officially Christmastime. I saw Mannheim Steamroller in concert tonight.

We are very blessed here in Greenville to have a fabulous concert hall - The Peace Center. And, because it is so good, they are able to pull in excellent folks to perform. MS performed their Spring show here earlier this year and liked the venue so much that they wanted to come back for The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller! Can you believe it?! Mannheim Steamroller in the same town TWICE in one year!!!

I have been a Chip Davis fanatic ever since my stint in Omaha in the mid-80's. When I graduated college, I moved there for my first "real" job. A company from Omaha came to interview on my college campus. I remember very distinctly asking everyone "Omaha - who the hell would move to Omaha?" Well, I was the one person from the class who did. And, I loved almost every minute of it. (The car crash and resulting ambulance ride to the hospital and losing a job for the very first time in my life were two things I could have lived without!)

There are two things you learn within the first half hour of living in Omaha - that food there is AWESOME (I mean, some of the best restaurants in the country!) and that Chip Davis and Warren Buffett are heroes in town. By the end of the first week, I was up five pounds, learned more about the stock market than I'd ever known up to that point in my life, and was absolutely in love with Mannheim Steamroller and Chip Davis.

Tonight's show was phenomenal. The music was, of course, top-notch. It included the MS classics that you'd expect - Carol of the Bells, Deck the Halls, We Three Kings, Away in a Manger, I Saw Three Ships, God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen, and Silent Night - all the classics from "Mannheim Steamroller Christmas". But they also did several songs from their "Christmas Song" album and some of the Fresh Aire Christmas albums. The band's use of three small screens and one large screen was amazing. The screens never distracted but rather enhanced the music. Perhaps the most intriguing use of the screens was when the band was behind the large screen but fully lit - as in "seeable", not soused. The movie images were playing over and around the band and they melded into the scene so that they and the music and the images were all one. There was no delineation in the experience, they were all pieces of a whole and necessary to each other. Absolutely beautiful! And exquisitely clever.

The only thing missing tonight was Chip Davis. He is in Omaha recovering from neck surgery. I hope that Chuck Penington, Jeff Yang, Glen Smith, Tom Sharpe, and Joey Galizia and the supporting musicians remind him that he missed a really great show in a really great venue in an even better town. And, I hope he has a complete and speedy recovery - and that he rolls back into Greenville again in the near future.

If you get a chance, go see Mannheim Steamroller no matter the time of year. And if they're not coming to a venue near you, check out their CD's. My Christmas favorites are "Mannheim Steamroller Christmas", "Christmas Song", 'Christmas Extraordinaire" and "A Fresh Aire Christmas".

Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17th - My Luckiest Day of the Year

It's November 17th and I'm celebrating the day. Those who know always wonder if I plan to spend the day in bed, hiding under the covers. But that is not my style - and those who know me, know that. In fact, those who know me are celebrating the day with me - just like they have for the past two years.

You see, on November 17, 2004, at 4:07 p.m. I had a stroke. So, those of you who are quick with math might be asking, why haven't you and your friends been celebrating November 17th for the last three years instead of the last two? Because on November 17, 2005, I was in the operating room undergoing emergency surgery.

Now, I'll be honest with you, on November 17, 2006, I thought about staying in bed when the alarm went off. But I got up...and took the day off work - and made sure I had 911 on my speed dial. But then I realized that November 17th had to be the luckiest day of the year for me. First of all, sure I'd had a stroke on that day, but I'd survived it and recovered almost 100%! And, yeah, I'd had emergency surgery on that day - but the results were excellent and two and a half weeks later, I was back on my feet and ready to take on the world again. Both November 17ths could have ended in disastrous results - instead, things turned out pretty good. So, I consider myself lucky. And blessed.

So, I'm celebrating. I'm celebrating movement. I'm celebrating family and friends. I'm celebrating life.

I've learned to do that not just on November 17th but on EVERY day...because any day can be a November 17th. And maybe that day won't be as lucky.

So celebrate today with me. And if you happen to glance at the clock at 4:07 p.m. smile as wide as you can - because you can. And know that I will be, too - because I can now.

PS Thanks, Tama, you were my hero four years ago. You were the one who recognized what was happening and called for help. And you stayed by my side at the hospital until my parents arrived. You are the best!

PPS Thanks Carol and Val for following the ambulance to the hospital and staying by my side until my parents arrived, too.

Signs of a stroke:
  • Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg - especially on one side of the body
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Are you familiar with songlines? They are the Australian Aboriginal myths of Creation. And, they are fascinating...and beautiful. These Dreamtime stories tell of Australia's original wanderers giving names to places, birds, animals, etc. They explain everything. All cultures have their myths of creation. I mentioned in an earlier post that I also enjoy the Native American myths that Hillerman and Mitchell incorporate into their mysteries. But the Aboriginal songlines are especially close to my heart because as Bruce Chatwin says in his book "The Songlines", they sang their world into existence.

So...what does all this have to do with the Eagles tickets that I was about ready to pee my pants over yesterday? Well, I'm glad you asked!

Music has always been one of the most important things in my life. Music is interwoven through my entire world, my entire existence. I can tell you the first album my parents gave me as a child (Walt Disney Hits...and I swore that my mom's best friend Ruth sang Bippity-Boppity-Boo...and NO ONE could convince me otherwise...still can't...I don't care what the album jacket says), my first album as a teeny bopper (Wayne Newton Live! - hey! cut me some slack! we had just gone to Vegas and seen his show AND MET HIM and I thought he was SO cool!), my first 8-track (An Evening with John excuses...I still love John Denver) - well, you get the picture.

Okay, okay...the Eagles. Heartache Tonight was released in 1979 and was a huge hit. The Sophomore class at East High School in Aurora will take credit for that, thank you. After all, we were the ones who called the radio station and requested it night after night as we worked our fingers to the bone on the homecoming float. Really. We twisted more tissue paper around chicken wire than you can ever imagine. And we constantly requested Heartache Tonight. And when it came on, we'd jump up from the garage floor and dance and sing at the top of our lungs. There was heartache for the Juniors and Seniors on homecoming night when our Tomcat beat their Tomcats. We'd sung out path to victory.

I could tell you stories for hundreds of songs in my life - including dozens of Eagles songs - but I'm only going to tell you one more for now. One that is immediate on my personal songline. You know, my path in the life I'm creating for myself.

I've already mentioned that music is important to me. My whole life has been and is set to music. When I think of a memory, I can immediately associate it with a song. When I hear a song, I immediately think of something that happened in my life. I've also mentioned that I am working on a novel. When you write a novel, they tell you that you should "know your characters". Things like what they'd eat, what's their favorite TV show, what's their favorite color, etc. Well, naturally, I also know what's on each of my characters' iPods. When I look at a person, I often think of a song. So, I associate my characters with songs as well. When the Eagles released their newest CD (Long Road Out of Eden) late last year, the song Busy Being Fabulous immediately became Stephanie's song. I don't know when Don Henley and Glenn Frey went on walkabout through my dreamtime but I'm glad they did. They nailed my gal Steph. Everyone should have a song. And Stephanie has hers. AND I'm going to get to hear the Eagles sing it live!

The Eagles have one other really special place on my songline. Yesterday I mentioned standing in line for tickets. That was on November 13, 2004. A Saturday morning. With snow flurries. It was a fabulous day and all was right with my world. Four days later, on Wednesday, I had a stroke. At age 40. I remember laying in the critical care area of the emergency room thinking "well damn it, I have Eagles tickets". (I couldn't piece it together at that very moment, but I had four months until the concert - March 8, 2005.) One of the legs that I had used to stand in line for those tickets would not keep my balance. The hand that I had used to hand the lady my credit card would not move. I knew what I was thinking but that's not always what I was saying. Only four days had passed since I stood in that line and requested those seats and paid for those tickets and at that moment, nothing was right with my world.

So, almost exactly four years to the day later - November 14, 2008 - I bought Eagles tickets again. I didn't have to stand in line but I could have if I had to. And, I used that hand that didn't move to type on the keyboard to purchase the tickets because it moves again. And, on most days, my mind and mouth do work together unless I'm REALLY tired or REALLY excited. And once again, all is right with my world. Now I just have to get through November 17th. (Stay tuned!)

Find your songs and dance along your songline in life. What are your songs? I hope that one of them is Life's Been Good!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life's Been Good To Me So Far...

...and today was no exception. Eagles pre-sale tickets were made available to people with American Express cards today and I got awesome seats! WOOHOO!!!

I saw the Eagles here in Greenville three years ago. It was the only group that I'd always wanted to see but had never had the opportunity to. When I say wanted to see, I swore that if they ever did another concert tour, I would crawl across the country on my knees if I had to to see them. Because remember, they had done their Farewell Tour so I was sure I'd never have the opportunity to see them.

But, they did a Farewell Tour 2! And, it came to little ol' Greenville! I wouldn't have to crawl on my knees anywhere! Instead, I'd just have to go down on a COLD, COLD day and stand in line for tickets because the only time they put tickets for any good concerts on sale in Greenville is on COLD days. Yes, Greenville is in the south. But it doesn't matter. Elton John, Cher, Eagles. They seem to come here in the winter or early Spring so the tickets go on sale in the winter and it's always on COLD days. So I went downtown and stood in line and it started snowing. No lie! Snow flurries! But I got my tickets!

I went to the concert with a sense of absolute excitement and a bit of dread. I'd looked forward to this concert all my life. How could it possibly live up to my expectations? Oh My God! I've seen at least sixty or seventy concerts in my life - and probably a few dozen more than that. None of them compared to the Eagles concert. The clarity of sound (in a venue known for often having poor sound quality, no less!), the quality of their voices and instrumentation, the non-stop entertainment (the show went on for over 3 1/2 hours and it was just them!), the mood they created in the arena, the rapport with the crowd... It was FABULOUS!

I figured it was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Then two days ago they announced the Eagles were coming back. To Greenville! After the Farewell Tour 2! Go figure! And they're going to be here three days before my 45th birthday. AND even though I got the tickets through the pre-sale where you can't choose your seating section (it just pops up the available seats and you take what it offers or you don't get any tickets) it came up with my favorite section - the one that I always choose when I go to the box office to purchase tickets. What are the chances?! Indeed, life's been good to me!

Now, some of you are probably thinking "Chill Charmi, it's just a concert!". Tomorrow I'll explain why this is such a big deal to me.

11/21 Update...Eagles tickets went on sale at the box office today and just to prove my point from four paragraphs up, it was 27 degrees this morning. The wind chill brought it down to 14 degrees. I TOLD YOU! Concert tickets don't go on sale in Greenville, SC, unless it's COLD. (Thank you, American Express, for letting me sit in my warm, cozy living room to get my tickets this go'round!)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey, Mabel...this one's for you and your friend!

So the economy sucks and the mall is having some killer sales. Purse 3/4 3/4 full type of situation.

I haven't shopped a lot in the last six months for a couple reasons. The first is that since I was outsourced - or since my job was - I've been on a tight budget until I have an actual income again. The second is that I've been trying to lose weight so I haven't wanted to spend what money I still have budgeted for fun on clothes that hopefully will be too big before long.

But today was sale day and I went. Now, I'm still a plus-size gal. But I thought I'd wander down to the regular size area and look around. I was looking at some sale racks in the Liz Claiborne area when Mabel and her friend entered my life.

"Mabel, isn't this the regular size area, Mabel? I didn't think they had anything BIG over here, did you, Mabel?"

I ignored the screechy-voiced elderly lady. I assumed that Mabel, her equally elderly friend, must've been hard-of-hearing because she was certainly talking loud enough for the near-deaf to hear. Although Mabel didn't respond, so maybe she couldn't hear her. Mabel's friend must've assumed the same thing because she just continued on...getting louder for both our benefit, I guess.

"Mabel, BIG sizes are down the way, aren't they?"

I looked up at the woman. She just stared back at me. I picked up an XL knit dress and held it up. I was sure it would fit.


I looked at Mabel. Mabel looked at me. I picked up another XL knit dress and looked at Mabel again.

"These are the regular sizes. I'm just sure there's another department..."

Finally, Mabel found her voice! "I think there are some larger sizes here."

Well, that wasn't exactly what I was thinking about saying to Mabel's friend but I just bit my tongue. I found two more dresses that I liked. I took all four of them into the dressing room, much to Mabel's friend's horror. (I could hear the gasp!)

I slipped the first dress on - AND IT FIT! I sashayed out to the sales floor...and Mabel and her friend were no where to be found. I looked all over. I padded, actually, I stomped around in my stocking feet from one end of the department to the other. I couldn't find them anywhere. I stomped back to the dressing room and tried on the second dress - AND IT FIT! I stomped out of the dressing room and made another tour of the department. I wanted to cup my hands around my mouth and yell "MABEL!" at the top of my lungs. But I didn't.

I went back and tried on the other dresses. AND THEY FIT! I swear, if Mabel had ever called her friend by name, I'd have gone and had them paged and I'd have made them watch me model the dresses.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I could not get my hind end into a single pair of pants in that entire department. I have no doubt about that. But every one of those knit Liz Claiborne dresses fit me and looked nice. I could wear them to dinner tonight and feel comfortable doing so.

So there you go Mabel and friend! You were so worried about whether or not I should be shopping in your area and it turns out, the answer was YES! And those dresses...they were all 80% off! I got all four for less than the original price of one! So, there's still some money floating around in my purse. And that glass I mentioned at the's definitely 100% full tonight!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Find Your Pizza Party - And VOTE!

Election Day...finally! I hope everyone has voted. If not and you still have time, go - now! I'll wait.

I'm a political junkie from waaaay back. As long as I can remember, there were pictures of John Kennedy and the Kennedy family mixed among the family photos at my grandparent's house. For the longest time, I just thought they were relatives of ours. Heck, we even had a picture of him at our house. He died two months to the day before I was born. I never experienced him during his lifetime but still, I knew all about him.

My first actual political experience was a George McGovern rally at my dad's union hall. Dad worked at the Caterpillar factory, on the line. It was a big deal when Senator McGovern announced that he was coming to the union hall to talk to the guys working in the factory. My dad and his buddies worked so hard, oftentimes working overtime four days a week and at least two Saturdays a month. It was great that he was going to hear the stories of the working men and their families. We all went down to the union hall for the big event.

When we got there, you know what they had? The biggest pizzas I'd ever seen! Oh my God! In all the eight years I'd lived to that point, I'd NEVER seen pizzas that big. I had no idea who this George McGovern guy really was but if I could have voted, I would have walked barefoot across hot coals to vote for him! Democratic Party? Republican Party? Pizza Party!!!! Yep - I was for the Pizza Party. I had politics all figured out by age eight. (Is it any surprise that weight has been an issue in one way or another throughout my life?!)

So there it is. Which candidate is going to give everyone, especially the working man, the biggest piece of the pie when the day is done? Which one is going to give the children something to smile about and look forward to? Which candidate would you walk barefoot across hot coals for? Go out and vote for that person. Now!

And grab an extra large pepperoni pizza on the way home. It's a great day for a pizza party!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Local Biggest Losers Lose

Well, the Red Team is out. I mentioned earlier that the Red Team is from my town. And, in fact, they work out at my least part of the time. According to the local news, they work out at a few gyms around town. And why shouldn't they? They work out for AT LEAST three hours a day. THREE! Hello!!!

I guess that's how Phil (the male half of the Red Team) has lost 120 pounds in the last five months. Amy (lady Red) has lost 80 if I remember the news report correctly. When they were at "the ranch", they were working out eight - yes EIGHT - hours a day. So, I guess they are taking it easy now. (Go ahead, roll your eyes. I did.)

Now, I gotta tell you, I lost 128 pounds - actually a bit more but I don't often count those last few pounds. (Too painful to remember...but that's for a later post.) I lost the first 118 exercising ONE hour a day...and not even every day. Granted, I didn't do it in five months. But I also had a life. And I didn't suffer. And it wasn't hard. Really! I also didn't have a television camera in my face until AFTER I lost the weight.

They're keeping up the grinding exercise schedule in hopes of "winning" $100,000 on the Biggest Loser season finale. They won't be the Biggest Loser Big Winners but they can still be Biggest Loser Winners. Ummm. Sitting here thinking about it. Biggest Loser is really an appropriate name for the show. "Winning" can come at a really big cost - one that I'm sure they can't even begin to comprehend at this point.

I'm so glad that when I lost my weight the first time it was when you had to lose weight and then get on TV, not the other way around. I took the time to do it right. Do it in a healthy, realistic way. Biggest loser? Nah. But guess what? In the overall scheme of things, I win!