Monday, November 30, 2009
Must-See TV
If you're caught up in the frenzy of holiday shopping...or keeping up with the Joneses...or just looking for an interesting way to spend an hour each week, this is absolute must-see TV.
Here's the premise: Five tribesmen from the South Pacific island of Vanna come to the US for five weeks. They are taken to a ranch in Montana, NYC, Peoria IL, Orange County CA, and Fort Stewart GA & Washington DC. The five men chosen from the tribe are the Chief, Head Dancer, Medicine Man, Happy Man, and the translator. Note that all five could be referred to as the "happy man" because these folks are all happy - and kind and thoughtful and thought-provoking.
To see their excitement at seeing and feeling snow for the first time, their confusion about how someone could be homeless in America, and their joy at celebrating with their American hosts is a definite delight. Their tribal wisdom and view of everyday life is eye-opening.
Watch this show and you will look at your life and your surroundings in a whole new light. Even stepping into a "moving metal box" will make you think as you head up to your chosen floor. And that kid riding the "wood on wheels"...well, it really is a pretty cool thing!
This show takes some concentration as you have to read the subtitles when all but the translator are speaking. But that only makes you more aware of the view you are getting. And, like the "natives" observation of a missing part of American society, it will slow your life down - if only for an hour. You won't be able to multi-task if you really want to "get" this show. And trust me, you should get it. We all should.
Tune in next Sunday. You'll be glad you did.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
And The Answer Is...
From agents to editors to potential employers, the idea that no response is okay seems to have taken over the country. I don't know when we began accepting such rude and disrespectful behavior - or when folks determined it was okay to be rude and disrespectful - but we have obviously crossed that line...and kept on running.
That noise you apparently don't hear, that's me yelling down the canyon. I will not be ignored...ignored...ignored! Well, at least I won't be beaten down, dissuaded, or not-responded-to into giving up. And don't worry, all the rabbits are safe, too!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'm Alive...and Well
And it is the perfect song for me today - November 17. You see, November 17 always surprises me. This morning, I started a new job. After 18 months and 1 week as one of the millions of unemployed workers in this country, imagine my surprise that when I finally found a job (not just any job either, a job I wanted with a great company!) and was given a start date of November 17. On a Tuesday. Not a Monday. A Tuesday. The 17th...of November.
Five years ago today - on November 17th - I suffered a stroke. In fact, 5 years ago at this very moment, I was laying in the critical care unit of the ER. Among other things, my right hand would not move. Here I am, 5 years later, typing with that hand. And, if you didn't know to look for subtle cues, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that I ever had a stroke. Five years ago at this time, I kept thinking "I'm alive!".
Four years ago today - on November 17th - I had emergency surgery. In fact, 4 years ago at this very moment, I was laying in recovery. But, the results came back with good news and two weeks later, I was as good as new. Four years ago at this time, I kept thinking "I'm well!".
You might thing that for the last 3 November 17ths I hid under my covers. Nope. Didn't do that. Instead, I celebrated. If the date fell on a work day, I took it off as a holiday. My personal day of celebration of life. Nothing particularly fabulous happened on those November 17th...but then again, I didn't spend of any of them in a hospital so I was waaaaaay ahead of the game.
Then there's this year. A new job. Another new journey to take. Another celebration!
It's November 17th...and I'm alive...and well!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Two Biggest Losers In The UP-State
Filipe and Sione Fa (season 8 Biggest Loser contestants) were in upstate Carolina for a Fitness Across America program at a local Y. Before heading to the Y, they made a stop past our local NBC station. They did an excellent 2-part interview.
Unfortunately, it was obvious that Filipe had gained some weight. Filipe started at 364 pounds and weighed 229 at the finale. Sione started at 372 and weighed 226 at the finale. When asked today what they weigh, Filipe said he weighs 241. Sione replied that he's in the 240's.
Sione looks like he did at the finale to me (even more fit, in fact!). I would have never guessed that he was up 14+ pounds. (The banter about the amount of weight loss is at the start of part 2 of the interview.)
Whatever they weight, they are certainly to be congratulated for keeping off the majority of the weight they lost. I just hope it doesn't creep back up on them a dozen pounds at a time.
If we're really going to have a "reality" weight-loss show, why not see one where folks have to deal with their daily lives, exercise the amount that is normal and healthy...and then declare the participants who lose weight at a healthy, realistic pace and keep it up to their going THE BIGGEST WINNERS?
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Funny thing though, I spent a good part of the day listening to Christmas carols and enjoyed it! Maybe I'm just in a happy mood. Maybe I'm ready for all the fun and positive vibes of a joyful season. Or, maybe I've just had my fill of Taylor Swift songs on the radio and am glad for the break. LOL!
And get this - the first song one station played was "Do You Hear What I Hear?" of my three favorite Christmas carols. When it ended, I switched stations to get in on the first notes of "Little Drummer Boy"...another of my favorites. Still haven't heard "Silent Night" (to round out my faves) but I figure by this time tomorrow, I'll have heard it more than a few times.
So...are you ready for the season? Or do you feel like you're being pushed into it? Did you listen to Christmas carols today? If so, hope you heard your favorite.
Happy pre-Holidays!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Change IS Good!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I've decided that either Danny or Allen would be excellent,, you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, I wish them all success. But these guys are the ones who I've come to respect and like.
Did you see last night's show? Now, I've never been a huge fan of Shay's but she absolutely deserved to stay. I was SO hoping for Amanda and Rebbecca to be packing their bags. After Tracey, they were next on my oh-God-get-them-out-of-there list.
On a side note, here I was all braggy yesterday about losing 5% of my weight in 7 weeks. Then last night, a couple of the Losers lost MORE than that in one week! And to add insult to injury, there were a couple more in the 4% range. Of course, I've had a life, eaten healthy and exercised a reasonable amount of time during that period. They, on the other hand, have absolutely abused their body.
And speaking of abuse...did you catch Shay on Jay Leno's show? Didn't you just want to SCREAM when she said the exercises 4 hours a day during the week and 6 to 7 hours a day on the weekend?! What a screwed up life. And, what a way to set yourself up for weight gain in the future.
I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Biggest Loser. It's like a car wreck. You don't want to look but you do. I can hear the wheels screeching every week. I just hope that the resulting crash that they will find themselves in eventually doesn't kill 'em.
(btw - is this the season for hard-to-like folks on TV? Have you seen Next Iron Chef? Need I say more?)
Monday, November 9, 2009
What's The Point?
Okay gang, I've done Weight Watchers so many times that I've lost count. The only thing that has ever really worked for me (in the weight-loss world) is Richard Simmon's Deal-A-Meal. You know, those little playing cards with food exchanges on them. See, the beauty of them is that they don't include stuff like, oh, jelly beans.
The first time - or first dozen times - I did WW and cheerfully counted my Points, I had this nifty little book that told me 25 jelly beans was 3 points. And, that better yet, 22 Gummi bears was 3 points. (So what's the deal with 12 Dots = a WHOLE box of Good & Plenty???!!!...3 points, btw, if you're interested.) Seriously. SIX pages of candy and their Points values.
Let's see...I could have 8 oz of cranberry juice (something good for me) or a WHOLE box of Good & Plenty for the same number of Points. Well, needless to say, I chose the Good & Plenty. (A WHOLE freakin' box!!!! Helluva trade off if you ask me.) weeks ago, I decided to join WW...again. BUT, I decided to use the Deal-A-Meal logic. And guess what? In seven short weeks, I've lost 5% of my body weight. In fact, when I weighed yesterday, I blew past the 5% mark. (3.8 pounds last week! Woohoo!!) Now, you don't need to know what 5% translates to on the scale...but, it's a big number.
So what's the point? The point is to do what works. Deal-A-Meal works for me...but I have to be accountable to someone. Translated: I have to pay someone to weigh me. Enter WW.
NO jelly beans or Gummi bears or Good & Plenty for this gal. I'd rather eat the fruit that I can or drink the milk for the same amount of Points. Click. Soooo making a point of successful weight loss again!
Hang with me. 10% isn't very far away!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Now, I guarantee you that if I was on the losing team (or the winning team, for that matter!), I'd be the first one raising my hand, waving my arm, and demanding that they ship my tired butt, deaf ears (do Bob and Jillian always have to be yelling?), and sweat-stained self home. But why oh why do we have to endure another week of whiners, nasties and not-so-big-losers while the ones we really like go home?
I know, it makes for better TV to have the despicable ones left on the show. But, really. There's only a couple people left that I hope win. I don't know if I'll keep watching if they get sent home.
Which brings me to another thought about tonight. I really don't like the idea of a one-on-one competition. Too much stress. Wrong motives. Not good for anyone. Probably good for ratings though. (I know you can't see me rolling my eyes right now...but please know that I am.) Team work is good. In fact, excellent. Competing against your own set goals. That's good, too. But when you start thinking of it being you against someone else, it changes the basis for the action. And, it's really easy to get lost in that and end up defeating all the progress you've made for the right reasons.
'While we're talking about good and bad, how would you react to a trainer yelling at you? Would you keep that trainer? Does negativity inspire you to a positive result?
It's not my style. Wasn't when I was a trainer. Wasn't what worked for me when I was a student. Still doesn't work for me - either on the giving or receiving end.
If someone treated me like that - even if they try to convince me it was for my own good - I'd tell them to kiss my shiny, white...ummm, you know. Bling!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Well-Connected...Or Not
We spend our lives at so many people's beck-and-call. Remember the days when you could go away all day and not care about who called you? If you had something to do, you could focus on that one thing - do it, enjoy it, complete it, live it without a phone ringing and interrupting your concentration on whatever it was you were or weren't doing!
Well, I'm turning back the clock this weekend. I'm going to un-connect.
What about you? What would your friends - the ones you're with - think if you didn't answer the phone once while you were out with them? Or your family? How cool would it be for your kids if you could have your attention totally uninterrupted? What about your mind? Think it could use a break from all the noise?
Join me in my cell phone free splendor. Even if only for a day. Take back what is yours...your time.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
When Eating Out Is GREAT!
If you've never heard of "Let There Be Mom", you need to. LTBM is a local organization that helps make memories for kids whose parents have life-threatening illnesses. When a family is selected for LTBM, permanent reminders of the ill parent are made.
Things like a silver medallion/pendant with the parent's fingerprint impressed in it. Mugs and vases with a hand print of the parent interlocking the hand print of the child. Quilts made from the child's and parent's clothing, all sewn together to tell a story that is meaningful to the child and will always be a remembrance of the times shared with the parent should the parent not recover. There are beautiful photo albums and scrapbooks created. In short, the children are given several individually made objects that will forever serve as a tangible reminder of the love of the parent and the times shared.
Let There Be Mom is a wonderful organization doing wonderful things.
I hope they are an inspiration to you. If you have a family in such a crisis in your community, use these folks as an inspiration to do something for the kids. In turn, you'll also be doing something for the well parent. And, you'll also help assure the ill parent that not only will they not be forgotten, they will be thought of and celebrated every day of the child's life.
If you live in this area, it's not too late to have a great meal and help the families, too!
I'm proud of you, Greenville. This is exactly the type of thing that makes our town so special.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Yikes! A Three-Way!!!
Today was officially the last time I wore my old favorite jeans. Yikes! They looked horrible! Part of the problem was that they have become a bit too big in the tush area. In fact, I've had to roll them up one hem-length because they started dragging on the ground. (Apparently Zumba is good for the butt!)
But the even bigger problem was that they looked dirty and were just not at all flattering. I've seen Stacey & Clinton point to women's washed-out, light blue colored jeans dozens and dozens of times and very clearly identify almost identical jeans to the ones I used to have as what not to wear. I've poo-poo'ed their comments, figuring that they must have stock in dark-wash jeans somewhere.
Well...holy-faded-looking-most-unflattering cow! They are absolutely right!! Those jeans hit the rag bag as soon as I walked through my bedroom door.
Maybe I'll pay a bit more attention to what they have to say this week. (Of course, that means that I can't ditch the cable just yet! As Gilda Radner so famously observed, it's always something!!)
Here's a challenge for you - grab your favorite outfit and make a visit to a local store. Have your own three-way moment of enlightenment. If you like what you see, EXCELLENT! If you don't, get rid of the offending outfit. You'll thank me later.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Stranger In A Familiar Land
They went home for a week. The only problem (and the great thing) was that they were not the same people who had left home 6 weeks earlier. For the most part, their friends and family were. So, trips out to restaurants, family picnics, etc brought with them a certain set of familiar expectations that were no longer true for the Biggest Losers.
I remember this feeling. When I'd lost weight and saw friends for the first time in a long time (and it seems that those gatherings were almost always at a restaurant, btw), they'd often order appetizers for the table or finish the meal with the community dessert. Fine by me. Eat all you want. But, I'd choose not to eat the "treat".
"Aw, c'mon. You haven't had it in so long. Just this once won't hurt."
"No one gets fat eating one Buffalo wing. Try one. They're really good." (For the record, I've never eaten just one wing. Wings are meant to be eaten by the half-dozens...aren't they?)
"It's not going to hurt you to skip the workout and go with us to the mall."
No one says these things with any malice. (Although I gotta tell you, when Tracey said tonight that she hoped the members of the Black Team had eaten lots of cake when they were home, I was really hoping for the Universe to take care of her tonight. But, looks like we'll have to wait at least another week for that to happen.) They are just doing and saying and thinking what they've always done and said and thought. They haven't changed! The person who has lost the weight is the one who has changed.
The trick is to not let anything (a wing or a cupcake) or anyone (even the best-meaning family and friends) change you to something you don't want to be. Again.
Hang tough and before long the "new you" will be the familiar person in the familiar land. What folks will eventually deem strange is when you grab that chip and swipe it through the cheese dip!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Attitude is Everything!
Now that the day has progressed and I'm further away from the disappointment, I am happy. I am proud of myself for sticking to my guns and doing the right thing for me. I know that things work out the way they should in the Universe so today's disappointment only means that greater things lay ahead.
Right now, I'm definitely celebrating what I do have and not spending another minute mourning what I don't! I hope all of you are celebrating your life too!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Sunday According To John
Blow up your TV
Okay, I have to admit that I didn't actually blow it up. But, I turned it off. I've had enough of reality. I've had enough of fake (ie. Balloon Boy). I've had enough sports and news and pundits and...well, I've had enough TV.
I've been trying to decide if I should give up cable. I'm just not sure that I can suffer Food Network withdrawal. And, more and more, I'm finding that I'm turning to the cable channels that run the reruns of old shows. Like MASH and Andy Griffith. So, I've not convinced myself to cut the chord just yet.
But, I sure have enjoyed a day of peace. By peace, I don't necessarily mean quiet. I've played all my favorite music. And I danced around the house while doing things that I probably wouldn't have gotten done if I'd gotten sucked into some crumby TV show that I didn't care about but couldn't turn off.
The other thing I've done today is go through my inbox and unsubscribe to about 2 dozen emails, newsletters, etc. All they were doing was stressing me because when I didn't take the time to read them, I'd feel like I was leaving something unfinished. The next day, there be another email update. I was falling farther and farther behind. So, today I unsubbed and deleted all the unread things that obviously weren't that important to my every day (or every week) existence. Phew! Load off my electronic mind!!
So tell me, if you've cut the cable, how long did the withdrawal last? Are you glad you did it or are you considering cabling up again?
I'm definitely going to Turn off the TV on a regular basis going forward. And who knows, one day maybe I will Blow up the TV as John suggests...or at least donate it to a reality-, fake-, sports-, news-, pundit-needy home.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
That's NOT How I Roll!
I had to go to the store this morning to pick up a few things. Now, I do my best to avoid grocery stores on Saturday morning. And, I especially make a point to avoid WalMart on any weekend day. But, I found myself having to get a few things. And, against my better judgement, I headed to WalMart to get them.
I had made it to the second aisle when my cart got a person on an electric scooter throwing it into reverse without so much as a glance. Within 5 minutes, I counted 7 - SEVEN - motorized scooters on the grocery side of the store. Every one of them was a WalMart-provided scooter. And in every case, the person riding them was obese.
Now, before you think that I'm another person hating on fat people, understand that I am overweight. I've got another 80 pounds to lose. At one time, I had lost over 140 pounds. But, I wasn't smart enough to keep the weight off. Now, I'm on that journey down the scale again. I've worked with overweight/obese people. I fully understand their situation. Perhaps better than most of the people they will encounter throughout their lives.
However, I also fully understand that riding around a grocery store on a motorized scooter is not doing anything to improve their situation! IF you truly need a scooter for any reason other than you weigh too much and that makes it tiring for you to get around a store, you will own your own scooter! You will need it all the time. Not just when a store provides it to you. There are many, many, many legitimate reasons for using a scooter/wheelchair. Being fat is not one of them.
"But my knees..." Yeah, well let me tell you about knees. I had knee surgery for a torn cartilage. I was 100+ pounds overweight. AND, I was taking a medicine that was causing problems with my legs. I could barely get around. The pain was unbelievable. But I never used a scooter. I'd go to the store and walk as much as I could while leaning on a grocery cart. When I couldn't go any further, I'd sit down and then either continue shopping or pay and head home. Every day, I could walk a little farther. And each time I did, I'd feel so good about myself that the strength of my spirit added to the strength of my legs.
"But my back..." Yeah, well in order to make your back stronger, you need to make your legs and abdominal muscles stronger. Riding around on a scooter accomplishes neither of the things that will improve your mobility.
"But I get out of breath..." Yeah, well the only thing that is going to improve your lung capacity and ease your breathing is if you get up and move. I'm not saying you need to run a race through the store. (However, some of you drive the scooters like there's a prize at the end!) But walk at a steady pace using a cart for additional support. Increase the amount of time/distance you walk on every trip.
"But I get so tired..." Yeah, and how are you increasing your endurance by not pushing yourself to do something? You know why the muscles shrink while in a cast? It's because they are protected and not used. If you are riding a scooter and not at least trying to walk, your fat is acting like a cast on your muscles. You'll never get stronger or be more able to carry your weight if you don't start doing it!
"But..." But = BUTT. There's the equation for the day, folks.
Again, if you need a scooter and have one prescribed to you by a doctor, I'm not talking to you. But if you think you need one and that WalMart is providing the scooter to you (as opposed to providing them for injured folks or elderly folks who need a scooter but, I'm sure, have trouble finding them available), I'm talking to you.
Get up, get moving. You'll gain pride and strength every time you do. And along the way, I bet you even lose some weight.
So, how do you CHOOSE to roll? Remember, it's a choice of a lifetime. It will, in the end, define who you are and what you can do.
I choose to roll on the power of my own two feet...not that of an electric scooter.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Persistent, Consistent, and Diligent
The lady said she knew we would show up today. She said we are very persistent, consistent, and diligent in our efforts. That's the nicest thing anybody said to me this week.
Once I make up my mind to something - really make up my mind - I am indeed persistent, consistent, and diligent! And, I reach my goal. Always.
I made up my mind to lose the rest of my extra pounds three weeks ago. Since then, I've lost 14 pounds. And, nothing is going to stop me from losing all of it! (Compare that to the BetterU program where I intended to lose 25 pounds over 12 weeks. I only lost 17 pounds during those 12 weeks. See, I had the intention of doing it. I just didn't commit 100% to actually doing it!)
The only way to reach a goal is through persistence, consistency, and diligence.
I have 3 main goals right now...lose all of this weight, find a freakin' job and get my books published. Hang tight folks, the job and books will happen before I reach my goal weight. But, all of those goals will be reached sooner rather than later.
Onward and upward...except for the scale, that will continue heading downward.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fat Taxing
I'll tell ya something that is fat-beyond-fat and should be taxed. Actually, two somethings. Have you seen the ads for the burger value meal that includes a taco? Ay carumba! Are you kidding me? Let's see...I'll have a super-sized burger, give me the largest order of fries ya got, a 64 oz soda...and oh yeah, throw in a taco. In my family, we refer to Jack-in-the-Box as the "big-headed guy's". Maybe we've got the wrong end tagged as big!
So - not in the mood for a taco with your burger? That's okay. Drive a few yards down and grab yourself a humungo burger...topped with shaved roast beef! Have you ever heard of a more nauseating idea? Heck, I could handle a taco on the side long before I could handle roast beef on top of my burger!
I wonder what the folks in the brainstorming sessions are thinking when they come up with these ideas. Do you suppose some guy is checking his stock in Slim-Fast and Jenny Craig and trying to figure out how to make more money?
And just as confusing, what are people thinking that actually order these meals? I can see someone buying big-headed guy's combo and dividing it up between three kids. But, my guess is that that's not how most of the burger-taco-fry-gallon-o-soda meals sold are eaten.
No wonder fat is taxing our hearts and knees and every other body part. Lunch for three has become a lunch-for-one option in today's world.
I'm not even going to get into the insurance debate. Yet.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lighten Up!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could actually use my little shredder for something other than a crap-that-needs-shredding holder. But that takes time and makes a huge mess on the floor around the shredder. It's much easier and cleaner to just toss it all in paper bags and then toss it in the big shredder.
I've been doing a lot of lightening of the load lately. I think it's inspired by all those TV shows. You know, Clean House, Hoarders, Oprah. Now I don't have nearly the stuff that those folks do. Not even close. Not even close to being close. But, every time I see one of those shows (and they seem to always be on!), I absolutely have to clean up an area in my house even if it's only a small drawer. I am quickly making work of becoming a neat-nik!
What about you? Got a bunch of cancelled checks from 1987 sitting around the house? (Yeah? Well, I won't after tomorrow!) Or a closet full of perfectly good clothes that you never wear - and probably never will? (Got rid of those three weeks ago!) Well, call your local Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau. Ask them when the next shred day is and get your papers together! And those the local women's shelter or Department of Social Services. The DSS office will let you know when they have their women's education classes wrapping up - the participants can use those good clothes for interviews!
If it's just sitting around your house taking up space, pass it along to someone who can truly benefit from it. It will not only lighten your load, it will lighten your heart and your spirit.
Go forth and shred! (And donate!!)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
If It's Tuesday...
Ugh! Coach Mo - there is no honor in falling on the sword. Especially for such a negative force. (In case you don't know who I'm referring to, it's Tracey. If you don't know her, you're better off in life!) The one truth is that the universe takes care of itself. I can't wait to see it happen in her case. (Yeah, it's so much more fun to be around to see it - or at least have a good friend report it to you...but that's another story for another day. LOL.) Let me restate my thoughts about tonight's show...UGH!
But, that's not what I want to talk about today. I want to tell you a BIGGEST LOSER story that had me up in arms for days this summer. There is a BL couple here in these parts. I went to a local event several weeks ago where these folks were part of the entertainment. The guy was absolutely hysterical. I didn't expect to like him but he turned out to be a hoot! The gal...well, she was very nice but also looked beaten down. It was all over her face.
After their gig, they were at a booth. I wanted to talk to them, compare notes from my time in the weight-loss spotlight. Then it happened.
They had a manager or handler with them. Well, it was about 1:30 - they had a noon show. So, when I got to the booth, the gal was eating a sandwich. One she'd brought from home. It didn't have much on it. BUT, the manager/handler/BIGGEST JERK leaned over and whispered something to her. I heard it but couldn't believe it. The gal turned to her husband and said "I need to go eat this somewhere else. BIGGEST JERK says it doesn't look good for me to eat in public." Yep, I'd heard correctly.
OH HELL NO! I spoke up. Pointed out that we all eat and that it was actually a good thing for the public to see this gal eating a healthy lunch. BIGGEST JERK shot me a hateful look and pulled the gal away.
I was livid. You see, I lived this many years ago. After I'd lost weight and become a public figure, every one thought they should tell me what I should or shouldn't eat in public. Strangers who'd seen me in the paper or on TV would approach my dinner table at a restaurant and suggest what I was eating wasn't the best choice or ask if Richard Simmons knew that I was eating out or what I was eating.
After allowing all that type of crap to drive me into exercise bulimia, I went the opposite way and gained weight. I started hiding what I was eating and after maintaining the weight-loss for five or six years, finally gave up the fight.
So, BIGGEST JERK, if this gal struggles more than usual after losing the weight, I hope you take the credit that you so rightly deserve. You've got no idea what you are doing or saying. You are so superficial and so uneducated in the "handling" of weight-loss success stories that you are dangerous.
Now, if you want to devote some attention to Tracey from this season, I think you'd make a perfect team! But, leave the good folks alone! Look over your shoulder, BJ, the universe is approaching.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Catching Up
Thanks for all the emails in my absence. Sorry for the delay in posting. Before I get back into the regular swing of things, thought I'd take this opportunity to catch up.
First of all...congrats to everyone on the BetterU path to health! My final number was -17 pounds. Not the 25 that I had hoped for. But given this summer, I'm pretty darn happy with the total! Hope everyone is continuing their healthy changes even though the program is over.
Next, two thoughts for everyone to take to heart:
- If you have a cat and you know it bites, keep the damn thing in your house! As a second suggestion along these lines...if you have a cat, make sure you get all of its shots! Preferably, BEFORE it bites someone, please. (I guess the same would apply for dogs as well...but since I didn't have a run-in in my own garage with a dog, I'll leave the comments directed at cats/cat owners right now.)
- If you're driving down the road and all of the traffic ahead of you is stopped, it would be appropriate for you to stop, too! And when I say stop, I mean using your brakes - not the back end of the car ahead of you (or more specifically, not the back end of the car I'm driving).
So, I guess that's my summer in a nutshell. Thank goodness autumn is here! LOL! How are you doing?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Let me know if you see it. You can bet that I'll be out looking!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Zipping Along
Here's a link to the NASA site that will let you choose your state and city so you can see when and where to look: ISS/Shuttle tracking.
It really moves across the sky. It's a bright white ball of light. You'll know it when you see it because it moves faster than anything you've seen crossing the sky. Go out and take a peek! You'll be glad you did.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Lips, Hips, & Trips
For those considering lip injections, FORGET IT! I've got a much cheaper plan for you. You know those yummy, low-cal slush puppies you can buy at your local drug store? The flavored water sticks that you pop in the freezer and they never freeze all the way, but instead just get to the point where they are loosely frozen (as opposed to ice-cube frozen) and are the perfect treat to cool down on these hot, hot days? Get some of those. Then, rather than running just a bit of cool water from the tap over the end you're going to eat them from, just plant your lips right onto the plastic tube. Yee-ouch! I did it three days ago and my lips are still swollen from where I totally ripped all the skin on the inside of my lips off.
I've never had lip injections but I've seen them done on TV quite a few times. They look incredibly painful - and I know they are expensive. So, here's an equally painful way to achieve the same look for a lot less money. LOL! (I do have to say that the slush puppies are a great 50-calorie, cooling treat. And I've especially enjoyed the Wyler's ones these last couple weeks. Just be sure to warm up the end where you're going to be putting your lips!! You'll thank me later.)
Now about my hips...I think they've gone down! My favorite capris are too big!! I only lost 1 1/2 pounds this week but I'm sure I've lost inches. (Too hot and lazy to measure today.) I love the hula hoop (see earlier post). It's the best waist-whittler around. Does wonders for the hips and thighs, too.
As some of you know, I am still looking for a job. I've actually had some interest shown this past week. So, I did the responsible thing and cancelled my trip - the 10-day cruise that I had booked for February. It was to be my first "real" vacation since I got laid off last May (2008!). BUT, I'd rather have a job. And, I do have a short trip to the beach scheduled for later this year - and a big family trip to Alaska scheduled for later in 2010. Now, I'll just enjoy that Alaska trip that much more! (Cross your fingers everyone, I really want to work for the company that I have an interview with at the end of this week.)
So this past week has been all about lips, hips, and trips. This week is all about the job! And, hopefully, my lips and hips will both be smaller as the week progresses. The trips...well, they just get bigger and brighter...kinda like everything else in my life. Life is good!
BetterU goals for this week:
- Maintain all my previous goals.
- Lighten the load by cleaning out the cabinets in my house - yes, ALL of them!
- Take my water dumbbells to the pool EVERY day that I go to the pool this week.
- I'm going to change my sheets one extra time each week. I LOVE the feel of fresh, clean sheets when I crawl into bed at the end of the day. I could just lay there and make bed angels on them! So, I'm going to treat myself to that wonderful feeling an extra time each week. (I know, more laundry...but soooo worth it!)
How is the rest of the posse doing? And, what are you doing? Whatever it is, give it all you got and be proud of the progress you've made already. At the end of this week, new habits will be established because we will have made it through the four weeks that it takes to cement them in our brains. Yeah for us! (Now go out and get a hula hoop.)
Monday, June 15, 2009
BetterU - Another Monday
I'm down another two pounds this week. Lots more to go but at least I'm seeing consistent progress so far.
Goals for this week:
- Buy a pedometer...and use it
- Eat 1 more serving of fruit per day
- Go to bed by no later than 11 pm!
- Maintain the first and second week goals
For a reward this week, I'm going to get a book I want. Speaking of rewards, I've replaced the first week reward of real flowers with a beautiful flowered dress that I bought...and it was one size smaller than I usually wear! The real flowers will adorn the front of my house sooner or later. But for now, I'm more than happy with my pretty new dress. (I'll post a pic of it soon.)
Anyone taking the challenge I issued a few days ago? If you can't make it a full day, try it just before lunch - or after.
Good luck to everyone in Week 3 of BetterU! Hang in there, we're at the toughest point right now. Another week or so and this will all be old hat!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
BetterU - A Challenge
Okay gang, we're eleven days into a Better Us. Now is about the time that folks start to lose interest, best intentions start to wane, and cookies find their way into the house. BUT just think, you are 1/3 of the way to developing solid, new habits! They say that if you do something for a month, it will become a habit. So hang on for another 2 1/2 weeks and you'll be golden!!
But those darn cookies... I'm going to issue you a challenge that will have you reaching the other way. We all have our reasons for joining BetterU. Somewhere along your list, I'm sure, is to get and/or stay healthy. But what does that really mean? Time to make it real.
Take 24 hours and imagine you had a stroke. Whatever hand you are, use the other hand - and only the other hand - for 24 hours. Do everything that you would normally have to do during a "normal" day. And YES (here it comes - indelicacy alert), you have to wipe with the other hand. This is not as easy as you think!
Shower/bathe using only one hand. Dry off with only one hand. Eat with only one hand. Clean with only one hand. AND REMEMBER that hand has to be your weaker hand.
What about your feet, you ask? Well, one leg/foot is probably going to be weak after your one-day stroke. So when you stand, make sure that you try to balance most of your weight on the "other" leg. (The leg affected will be the leg of the hand you are not using.)
OMG! You are sooo going to want to complain about how hard this new way of functioning is. Too bad your brain is working but your mouth isn't! Limit your talking on "stroke day". Of course you won't want to add a fake slur or someone is liable to call EMS for you! So, just limit what you say for the day. You will be amazed at how much you hear. Experience the frustration of not being able to respond.
So, there's your challenge. IF you can't do all these things but you're willing to try one of them, then (indelicacy!) spend the day wiping with your opposite hand. I think you'll be surprised at the level of frustration you will achieve with just that task.
At the end of your stroke day, you will better appreciate the "better health" you are trying to achieve. After all, you could spend a couple weeks- or your life - HAVING to do the things I mentioned.
If you are up for this challenge within the BetterU challenge and participate, please post your thoughts.
**And PLEASE be careful! Use plastic glasses, butter knives, etc. Do not injure yourself in this challenge. If this were real life, you'd quickly learn that plastic and dull are your new best friends. And, you'd learn that you have to ask for help. So, if there is something you can't do with your other hand, ask for help. Experience what that feels like, too.
I'll wait a few days and post my thoughts on my REAL experience with these challenges.
Good luck. And keep up the good work! You are doing this for reasons you may not even fully comprehend!
Monday, June 8, 2009
BetterU - Week Two
So, I kinda look like Quasimodo today. My right shoulder is about and inch and a half higher than my left shoulder because the muscles in my shoulder blade seem to be spasming. The good thing is that with my face naturally wanting to look down right now due to my shoulder...ummm, situation, I could clearly see the scale without any effort. (If only I could say the same about laying down in bed!) And what did the scale say????? It said that I lost three point two pounds! That's 3.2!!! That's heavier than the dang weights I've been lifting this past week. And, I can tell you without any doubt, that is a lot of weight! In fact, it's more than I can lift today. LOL!
I also managed to meet all my goals! So, I'm going shopping for plants for my front porch. I'll post a picture when they are potted and positioned. And, I've added another reward for myself...I'm going to get some one-pound hand weights - which will guarantee that I find my old ones immediately thereafter. ;)
I guess it's time to up the ante on this trail ride. Here are my goals for this week:
- Maintain all the goals from week one. (Sorry, I can't cut back any further on the pop this week.
- Add in three days of using the dusty Gazelle in my back bedroom. (I'll dust it first. In fact, that will be my goal for today.) Since ten minutes of brisk walking was a BetterU point this week, I'll make that my Gazelle goal. Ten minutes, three times this week.
- I'm also going to add one more vegetable per day into my diet. This is a tricky one for me because I have to limit my vegetable eating due to suffering from a paralyzed stomach. So, I will also be adding in a probiotic (Flora Q) every morning to aid with the digestion.
Rewards...hmmmm. I have some pictures from my last trip to Hawaii that I really want to frame and hang. That will be my reward for my success this week. By the end of this twelve weeks, I might have all my household projects done!
How are you doing? What rewards are you going to give yourself this week? No matter what you choose, CONGRATULATIONS on making it through week one! And, BEST WISHES for success in week two!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
BetterU - The 25-pound Reward
I'm going to get a Wii AND the Wii Fitness game AND the new Wii Active! I've wanted the Wii and Wii Fitness for months but have not been willing to spend the money (being laid off is NO fun!). Well, I'm going to get the whole shebang when I reach my 12-week goal! That's a reward that will help me make it to my final goal. Win-win...wiiiiiiii!
Monday, June 1, 2009
BetterU - Week One...Day One
Time to set specific goals for this week.
- Exercise at least five times. I'll do Sweatin' to the Oldies 3 and will go to the pool for some water exercise. AND, I'll use my two-pound dumbbells for a good arm workout at least three days this week.
- Replace my normal-less-than-healthy evening snack with watermelon. I've already cut one up and it smells soooo good!
- Limit myself to only two cans of Diet Pepsi a day. This will be the hardest goal by far! My name is Charmi and I'm a pop-aholic!
I've already rewarded myself with a pre-program treat. I bought a pretty, summertime glass at Target. If I'm going to give up the pretty Diet Pepsi cans, I need to drink my water out of a pretty glass!
My reward at the end of the week when I meet all my goals - I'm going to buy myself flowers! Not a bouquet but summer plants for a pot next to my front door. Then every time I come home, I'll be reminded of my success. And, when I have to water them, I'll be reminded to drink some water myself.
So what about you? What are your goals? And your rewards? Let me know.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Better U? Better Me!!!
Go Red BetterU is a FREE 12-week online nutrition and fitness program that can makeover your heart. Each week will focus on a different area and provide step-by-step guidance. You'll receive everything from daily expert tips, an online journal, and a downloadable BetterMe coaching tool. Get started.
Get started! That's the plan.
Why am I doing this? Well, other than the fact that I can't pass up a challenge, I've been a member of the American Heart Association advocacy network for four and a half years. They, along with the American Stroke Association provided wonderful information to me - free of charge! - after I suffered my stroke in November, 2004. I've written dozens of letters to my state and federal Representatives and Senators advocating the passage of countless bills that will help make you and me healthier - and will strengthen the services available to all of us if and when (God forbid!) we have a heart or brain attack.
But the biggest reason I'm taking the BetterU challenge is that I need to be heart-healthier. I need to lose weight. And, it's SO much more fun when there's a group involved.
I can't think of a more fun group than the one I'm in with this challenge. I'm part of Joshilyn Jackson's posse. You know Joshilyn - she wrote those fabulous books gods in Alabama, Between, Georgia, and The Girl Who Stopped Swimming. (If for some reason you haven't read these books, go get them. Now!) Joshilyn is a blogger - er, international spokesmodel - for the AHA BetterU program. And, if you've read her blog (Faster Than Kudzu), you know she's going to make a great, funny leader of the posse. (If you haven't read her blog, do it. Now. But come back here!)
Twelve weeks. Eighty-four days. Two hundred and fifty-two meals. One hundred and sixty-eight snacks. Sixty workouts (I'm committing to five a week - but will try to get in at least thirty minutes of exercise the other two days, too.)
So, what are my goals? I'm going to lose at least twenty-five pounds. My waist measurement will decrease. My fitness test numbers will double ( timed push-ups, sit-ups, holding plank, measured run/walk...the run/walk will decrease by at least 1/3).
I have some other goals, too. I'll talk about those over the next several weeks in my Better Me blogs.
In twelve weeks, I'm definitely going to be a Better Me! What about you? Will you be a Better U? C'mon, join the party! You'll thank yourself later.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Dress I Wore on Oprah
Fast forward to now...both of us are trying to lose weight again. Well, I decided in addition to trying to get rid of the junk in my trunk, it was time to get rid of the junk in my closet. I've held on to that Oprah dress all this time. For several years, the dress fit. For the past decade, it hasn't. But it's the Oprah dress! And, it was hanging there right next to the Jenny Jones pantsuit, the Sally Jessy Raphael workout wear and after-show celebration outfit, the Home Show dresses, the Faith Daniels dress, the Jane Whitney little - and I mean little! - black skirt, lace top, and bright blazer...then there were the two buckets of clothes from other shows, speeches, appearances, etc that all held a special meaning. All of them taking up a full closet.
My neighborhood garage sale couldn't have been more appropriately timed - Earth Day week. Time to go green and pass along all these beautiful clothes to someone else. So, I got them out, put a ridiculously small price on all of them, and hung them up on a rack in the garage. I got out a bunch of other stuff that was going unused in my house and hung out the sale sign.
All was good!
Until the first person picked up the Oprah dress. I whimpered. Oh. My. God! Someone was looking at the dress. I thought I was going to puke. What if they bought it and I didn't have it any longer?! It was the Oprah dress! I whimpered again.
The lady looked at me and asked if I was okay. "Yeah." I choked the answer out. Then I blurted it out. "I wore that dress on Oprah." What the hell was I thinking? If she didn't want it before, she certainly did now! Who wouldn't want an Oprah dress?!!!!! Stupid!
Before I knew it, I was holding court. Everyone wanted the Oprah dress. And at $5.00, who wouldn't? There was only one problem, it was TOO SMALL for everyone. So, no one would buy it.
We went through all the TV clothes. After Oprah, the Faith Daniels dress was the most popular. (There is a helluva story about that one. Wait until you see that in my memoir!) No one could wear any of them. All of the clothes were too small! I was stunned into silence. But, everyone quickly moved to my bigger clothes and bought several pieces. They all wanted something from the "girl who had been on Oprah".
Towards the end of the day, a skinny, skinny lady walked down the driveway. She headed straight for the rack with the Oprah dress. It was the first dress she held out. She smiled and said, "This is such a pretty dress. I wish it was bigger so it would fit me." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I could not believe that it was too small for her but darned if it wasn't. I think that was the first time that I truly understood exactly how thin I had been.
So, when all was said and done, the Oprah dress ended up back in the closet at least for tonight. Lord knows I'll never get into it again. I suppose I could use it as a scarf but that's as close as I'd ever get to getting it on my body in any fashion in the future.
Next weekend is the annual neighborhood sale in my parents' subdivision. I think I'll give it a go and see if there are any shoppers with eating disorders on their side of town. If not, the clothes will be packed up for charity. Somewhere there's a hungry person who might be able to wear them.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Ultimate

We've all had good teachers. And, we've all had bad teachers. Some of us have been lucky enough to have had teachers who have changed our lives. I had a teacher like that - Mr. Everson, my seventh grade geography teacher. As the title of my essay says, he meant the world to me.
I grew up in a factory town in Illinois. Dad worked in the factory, Mom worked in the grocery store. It was a beautiful little town - a river divided the town between East and West. Those of us on the East Side were the factory kids. Those on the West Side were the doctor and lawyer kids. There was always a rivalry between the two sides of the river. Those of us on the East Side all passed through Mr. Everson's classroom. We were the winners in Aurora.
You see, we might not have been the richest kids in town but Mr. Everson gave us the world every day in his classroom. He taught us about places we could only dream of visiting - the places the kids on the other side of the river went to without a second though, without appreciating.
He inspired us to learn all we could about our city, our state, our country, our continent, and ultimately, our world. He had been so many places and done so many things. He made us believe that we could go to those places and do those things, too!
He's not the only hero in my story. My Mom and Dad made sure that the dreams he planted grew into real experiences. When I'd come home with a sparkle in my eyes, all excited about somewhere we'd talked about in class, we'd add it to our travel itinerary for the future. We've visited many of those places he taught about so many years ago. And, we continue to travel as a family at least once a year still, working on that list.
What teacher made a difference in your life? Have you ever thanked them? It's not too late! I wrote Mr. E a letter a few years ago. We've been in touch ever since, sharing postcards from our travels. It was one of the best things I've ever written. It has certainly provided a lot of fun and interesting correspondence over the last few years!
National Teacher Appreciation Day is May 5th. Drop your favorite teacher a note and thank them for what they meant to you all those years ago. Maybe you'll even want to send them a copy of The Ultimate Teacher.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Word About Words
Monday, March 30, 2009
Dripping With Virtue
I've not blogged in a while because I was waiting for this rant to pass. You know, trying to be patient. But since the rant doesn't seem to be passing - well, here goes!
I'm tired of waiting. Hear that world? I'm used to making things happen in my life but I'll be damned if I know what to do to make things happen right now. I'm waiting to hear from potential employers. I'm waiting to hear from agents about my manuscript. Hell, I'm even waiting to hear from the mechanic about my car today.
"Be patient." That's what everyone says.
Well, I have been patient. I've waited. AND WAITED. Politely.
I've filled out your applications down the smallest details. I've dug through drawers to find my high school diploma. You know, the one from 1982 because you had to have a copy of it for some reason still lost on me. I've stayed up until 2:00 a.m. answering the 275-question questionnaire that you sent me at 9:30 p.m. and wanted returned by the start of business the next day. I've stood in line for hours with 10,000 others at a career fair to hear you promise you'd call. (Did the red star really mean don't call?)
And what have you done? NOTHING. You've not even acknowledged the receipt of the documents. If I've managed to get through to HR through the mistake of some kind receptionist, you won't confirm whether or not the position has been filled. I'm waiting for your call to set up an interview. Or an email or letter telling me that the position is filled so I can give up hope and move on. I AM the person you are looking for. Call me. You'll see. You already know I'm patient. And, if you'd answer your phone the one time I call for a follow-up, you'd know I'm STILL interested.
I'm doing my part to be polite and professional in the job search. How 'bout you do the same? I'm sure you're overwhelmed with applicants. Lucky you! It must be nice to be busy at work. Try being on the other side. Try wondering what you're going to do when the unemployment benefits stop or your COBRA runs out. Try being patient when you've applied for a hundred jobs and no one shows you the common courtesy of responding to your inquiry for employment. One in nine people in our state are experiencing the same thing. You might be next. Do unto others because it might be you having to be patient tomorrow and the next week...and the next month!
And about those manuscripts...thanks to the agents who communicate, who acknowledge receipt of the query and requested materials. You will never know how much of a real difference that makes to a writer. You make it much easier to be patient in a career that includes waiting as part of the job description. You rock!
So tonight I'll go to bed and patience will reach my eyes again, because today I applied for a job and was told not to expect to hear anything until April 20th "at the earliest - be patient". And, my inbox didn't contain any email from any other employers...or agents. And, my mechanic just called and said he needs to keep my car until tomorrow afternoon. But tomorrow, I'll wake up smiling and ready to go again. There's a job to find, another manuscript to finish and my car to pick up.
Note to employers - I AM the employee you're looking for!
Note to agents - I AM the author you're looking for, the editors can't wait to sign, and the readers can't wait to buy!
Note to the world - I WILL make it happen!!
Good things come to those who wait. And even better things come to those who reach out and make it happen.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Words of Wisdom from Tim McGraw
Music transcends and permeates everything in my life. I write with music on. I know exactly what music I need, what artist I want to listen to, for what I am writing that day, that hour. My novel - like my life - has a definite soundtrack to it. Hopefully one day soon, you will get to see that when you read my novel.
There have been a few songs that have stopped me in my tracks. A song did that a couple days ago. I was driving down the road when a new song - at least a song that was new to me - came on the radio. I was glad that I was near a parking lot because I had to pull over. The song - Nothin' To Die For by Tim McGraw.
There's a whole lot of things you say you're living for
You've got to fight it somehow, stop and turn around
'Cause this ain't nothin' to die for
Tim was singing about alcohol and spending too many hours at the office in his song. Well, I like a margarita or a Landshark Lager every now and then but I definitely don't have a problem there (too many empty calories)...and Lord knows back when I had a day job - you know, back before the "economic downturn" when several of us were outsourced/laid off - I would put in too many hours but that's not been a problem for much too long now (anyone need an excellent business analyst?). No, Tim's words were a direct belly blow.
I stared at the radio. When the song was over, I sat there and hit scan until I found it playing on another station. OMG! He was right! All the crap I'd been wandering back towards eating again lately...none of it was worth dying for!
We all have our own addictions. EVERY one of us. Some are addicted to drink, some to shopping, others to work. Me - it's food. I traded the food addiction for exercise addiction one time several years ago. That didn't work out so well either. I recovered from that addiction. Too well. I work every day to find that balance between food and exercise without letting either one be all-consuming.
You know what? Since I heard that song it's become easier. Honest to God. I'll look at my food choice and think "this ain't nothin' to die for". I've done the same thing when I think about skipping the workout to watch a TV show. What an easy concept to employ at every decision point.
Thanks, Tim!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Frozen Pizza & Beer...It Must Be Snowing In South Carolina!
But thanks to the ace weather reporters, we knew it was coming a couple days ago so everyone did what they do here in the South...they went to the grocery store and loaded up on bread and milk. I mean gallons and loaves. Because you might need to eat a few dozen pieces of toast in that day - or maybe two - that you're stuck in the house before it all melts.
Me? I was born and raised in the Chicago area. I did what transplanted Northerners do. I went to the grocery store and got a couple frozen pizzas and a six-pack of Landshark Lager. Hell, I'm no fool. If I'm stuck in the house, I'm eating pizza and drinking beer.
Thank God it snows down here once a year! It's the one time that I allow myself the treat of a Tombstone pepperoni pizza. Or two. I make healthy pizzas during the rest of the year. You know, low-cal ones on tortillas. They taste good and are really satisfying but Lord how I look forward to my snowed-in, Tombstone treats!
When they start talking snow, the kids in Greenville start praying that it happens so that school is cancelled. I start drooling at the possibility of eating a frozen pizza. I got a pepperoni and a supreme. Good thing because we are getting socked with snow. This is a REAL snowstorm this time. It's beautiful...absolutely beautiful! As white and light as the cheese on my frozen pizza.
Life is good!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The tooth gets an auto-immune disease in it and it starts to reject itself from the inside out. It starts out feeling like a numb irritation. Then it starts to hurt. Nothing much shows up on an x-ray at first so the dentist looks at you like you're crazy. Then you actually start going crazy. Then you ask the dentist to pull your tooth and he won't because there is nothing wrong with your tooth...just look at the x-ray! Then you consider poking your eye out because it couldn't hurt any worse and at least something would show up on the x-ray. Then - after many, many months - there will be a shadow. And no one will think you are crazy anymore BUT by that time, you are crazy!
So, the periodontist will try to save the tooth by carving away the area that is diseased and seeing what is left. In my case the first time, there was nothing. I didn't care. I just wanted the damn tooth out. It was irritating my sinus and I was so miserable that he could have taken my tooth, my sinus, and all my eyelashes from the inside out if he wanted to. I just wanted some relief.
I danced out of his office. After all, it's a one-in-a-million thing and if you're stuck with it, it's a one-time thing. I had it. I was done with it. My turn was over!
Fast forward to ten days ago. My gum - completely opposite where I had the tooth with resorption - had been killing me. It was, I believe the correct medical term for it, yucky. So, I went to the dentist. No cavity but there was a strange brownish-black spot on the tooth. Huh! Enter the periodontist - again. Blood coming through the tooth. Huh! Caused by resorption. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
This one was much worse than the last. This surgery was a lot rougher than the last. And, I gotta say, it was also more nerve-wracking. If it happened again... As the title of this blog indicates, nothing is typical in my life. Usually, this works to my advantage. Usually.
What I want to know is if I'm going to hit a one-in-a-million thing, why can't it be the winning lottery numbers?! Those are some non-typical results that I could really fully absorb myself in!
Friday, February 6, 2009
On Pins & Needles
Thank God for Hong! Hong is the little sprite of a woman who does my acupuncture. She is FABULOUS! I can hobble in feeling like I'm ninety-five and dance out feeling like I'm fifteen.
I don't claim to even begin to understand how acupuncture works. All I know is that it does. I had my first acupuncture session about three years ago. My mom's back surgeon was trained in acupuncture and had done it on her. She got immediate relief - and avoided surgery! When he moved, he recommended Hong. I went to her to her with my stroke recovery. A few needles and my hand was moving more than it had been. A couple sessions later and my balance was more reliable.
From that point on, if it hurt, I let her stick a needle in it, around it...or anywhere she wanted. On her recommendation, I'd see a doctor to have something checked out further. But always there was relief.
When Dad had rotator cuff surgery, acupuncture was an integral part of his recovery. His physical therapist was delighted with the progress he made - his doctor flabbergasted.
I twisted my knees several days ago. Both of them were swollen and so sore that I could hardly walk. It was all I could do to get in and out of a chair. Advil wasn't doing anything to ease the pain or swelling. Enter Hong with her pins & needles...and her energy lamp (it's so much more than a heat lamp!) and I got immediate relief.
They say that acupuncture can even help with weight loss! I've never asked Hong about that. I keep imagining her asking me to stick my tongue out and having her run a need through my top lip, tongue, and lower lip then twisting it into a knot so I can't eat for a few months! That might be the only way I lose weight the way things seem to be going right now! But, that's another post.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I was telling someone a story the other day about something that happened on my cruise into the Panama Canal. It seems like that trip was just a couple years ago...but that is where I celebrated my thirtieth birthday. How on Earth can that be fifteen years ago? It certainly doesn't seem like that much time has passed.
I remember when forty-five seemed so old. Now, it seems young! I was tickled pink when a couple days ago, the folks sang Happy Birthday to Michelle Obama...Happy forty-fifth Birthday! Today, I'm the age of the First Lady! Can you believe it?! The folks running our country are my age! I'm their age! And we're so young!
Forty-five is a good number. Back when I was a kid, it was the number that produced music. We played our 45's all night long in my friends' basements. We danced and sang and laughed. In astronomy, M45 is the Pleiades - the Seven Sisters. You probably look at them every night in the winter and don't even know it. Jimmy Buffett writes about the Pleiades in Where Is Joe Merchant. The Japanese call the Pleiades "Subaru". If you drive one - or next time you're in a parking lot - look at the logo on the car then look in the night sky. You'll see the Seven Sisters dancing as they tease Orion by staying just out of his reach.
Yep - forty-five is a good number and this is a grand week. The Eagles. The President. My birthday. Definitely a week to celebrate!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
We Can! We Did!! Now Let's!!!
We've got to keep the smiles and the positive thoughts in the days to come. But we've got to do more than that. It's time to actually do something. Our president has asked us to, so let's do it! You might be asking yourself what we can do. I say there is a lot we can do even if we start small.
I know that the readers of this blog have two interests weight-loss (which inherently leads right to food) and all things reading and writing. So, we've automatically got two avenues to take.
Those of us trying to lose weight can do ourselves a favor and help the hungry right now. Grab a bag and go out to your pantry right now. I bet you have at least one bag full of food that you shouldn't be eating if you're trying to lose weight. Pack it up and donate it to the local food bank tomorrow. While you're at it, go to the linen closet and bathroom cabinets. Food banks are in need of toilet paper, tooth paste, and deodorant. If you have any unopened packages of any of those, add them to your bag too, please.
Okay readers and writers, it's our turn. Libraries are very short-funded right now. All those books you've got taking up space - donate them. Some of them will end up on the shelves, some will end up in the annual fundraising sales allowing the library to purchase the books they need. If your area has a literacy association, check with them. They may collect books for annual book sales, too. Do you have two extra hours a week? That's enough time to help teach people to read! Again, check with your local literacy association or library. They can direct you to the literacy program offices in your area.
We can be the change. We can continue to make history. Let's do it!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Music to My Ears
If you've followed my posts, you know that I was ready to wet my pants several weeks ago when I got killer tickets to this show. I'd seen the Eagles when they came to town a few years ago. It was the best concert I'd ever seen. Until tonight. These guys get better with age!
First of all, it's just them. When you go to an Eagles' concert, you see the Eagles. They sing for three hours. They don't have an opening act - or two! They have a short ten or fifteen minute intermission between sets but that's it. But you get three solid hours of music. That you can hear and understand. Their vocals are so good that they don't need the bass to override their voices. Imagine that. Their four-part harmony is so pure that it will send chills through you.
The show behind them adds to the music rather than distracts! Again, nothing to hide the performance of the music itself. Last time they were here, it was four simple screens across the top of the stage. This time, it was one off to each side and a dome-shaped screen behind the stage. No dancers, no pyrotechnics, no flashing lights. More often shots of them. And, on rare occasion, a film that went along with the song. Like Dirty Laundry where all the tabloid reporters and ragsheets were flashed across the screens. But these guys are funny - and clever. So, they ended with their own hilarious tabloid headlines about themselves.
They did that throughout the night. Entertain. Make you think. Then make you laugh. But always make sure you enjoyed yourself. Isn't that a great lesson for a writer to walk away with?!
I had the time of my life tonight. Last time I saw them, it was a celebration - my first venture out after surviving my stroke. This time it was a celebration, too. This is a big week - the country is celebrating a phenomenal new start with a grand new leader. And, I am turning forty-five in a few days. Yeah, things just get better with age!
(btw - for those who read my earlier Eagles started snowing on the way home from the Eagles concert. I told you so!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm Activated!
I posted on New Years that I wanted to lose five pounds a month. Well...I'm happy to report that when I stepped on my scale yesterday morning, I had already lost five pounds this month! I am w-a-y ahead of schedule.
The key is to keep moving in the right direction. Heck - the key is to KEEP MOVING! That will ensure the scale heads in the right direction.
Good luck to everyone who is Getting Active! Wear your t-shirts with pride. Hope to see less of you next Friday when we hit the scales again.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What the Health?!
And from what I read in today's newspaper, there better be a helluva lot of people standing in line for that first weigh-in on Thursday! I was stunned to read the following:
"Greenville may be a wonderful place to live -- but it's not a healthy one. A health assessment from Greenville Forward showed skyrocketing diabetes and heart disease rates and a nearly 60 percent obesity rate -- the fifth highest in the nation." Dana R. Ray, MD
WHAT?! Can that be right? I mean, I know it's wrong in oh so many ways! But can that statistic be correct? I just read on AOL's homepage that there are more people in the US classified as obese than overweight for the first time in history.
Are the healthy really the minority in this country now? Apparently they are in Greenville! Well, I'm making it my mission to join the minority! I've already registered for Activate Upstate. It's just another tool in my toolbox for getting healthy and reaching my goal this year. I'll post my progress after each of the weekly weigh-ins.
I hope the majority of you out there join me in becoming part of the minority...for the health of it!
Friday, January 9, 2009
I Can See Clearly Now...
I didn't make it three weeks. I made it three additional days. And in those three days I hit the cement landing at the front of my garage (thank goodness it was there or I would have hit the bed on the other side of the wall at the front of my garage!), I knocked two bottles of Diet Pepsi off the table trying to catch them before they fell (from the flat surface), and I made a total ass out of myself asking to be moved from a table at one of our local restaurants. My family sat down to dinner, I looked at the table, and immediately asked to be moved. You should have seen the ridiculous slope of the table! Our dinners would have ended up on the floor in no time flat. The waitress looked at me like I was a loon. My parents laughed. I took off my glasses and saw the perfectly level table. My vision was getting "progressively" worse with the glasses - not better.
The glasses were not right because the prescription was wrong! Not sure whose prescription I got but it wasn't mine. I hope there's not someone else running around Greenville blind as a Magoo this week, too!
And BEST of all...I lost two chins just by returning the glasses! Now, I've only got the one extra chin to concentrate on getting rid of again! Life is good!
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Way I See Things
I got progressive lenses today. Actually, I got them on Friday. I wore them on Saturday until I almost puked. They sat in the pretty glass case the rest of the weekend until the eye doctor's office opened this morning. I got a woman who actually knew - and cared about - what she was doing today. She adjusted the glasses correctly so I can see through them. (I told the gal on Friday they weren't adjusted correctly but she cared more about lunch than my lopsided lenses.) But, there seems to be a problem with the left lens - so when I look a the computer screen, it looks like the Star Wars screen. It's bigger on the left than on the right...kinda like the left side is coming in from outer space. I spent five minutes trying to fix my "bent" laptop screen before I realized I was about to bend it and break it and stopped. When I look at the dinner table, it looks like the left side is about four inches lower than the right side and everything is going to slide off the table and onto the floor. I've "caught" stuff from falling off the side table next to my chair. You know - the flat table where everything is laying safe and sound. (Come to think of it, I might already be batcrap crazy!!!!)
But here's the kicker...did you know that when you have progressive lenses you have to tilt your head down to see things?! OMG! I already have two chins! I don't need a third and fourth!!! Why don't these glasses come with warnings BEFORE you buy them? Guess I'll lower my goal weight by ten or fifteen pounds. (Thanks, doc!)
I'm not exactly sure what's magic about three weeks. I don't know if they think that my eyes will change or my brain will straighten out the crookedness of the left lens. In the meantime, I am fighting the urge to adjust every picture in my house and move every item on every flat surface. So if you come for a visit, please let me know if something really is crooked. (I'll take off my glasses and straighten it.) And, if you're going to take my picture, PLEASE remind me to lift my head so that you don't get a picture of me looking like one of those lizards running through the desert...the ones with their chins down to their chest and the skin flapping in the breeze. PLEASE.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Time To Make A New Plan, Stan!
But let's look back for a minute. How was 2008? I had a pretty darn good year when all was said and done. First of all, I took THE BEST EVER vacation with my parents. We spent 3 weeks in Maui that were pure magic. Second of all, I finished my novel - I mean really finished a way that makes me truly happy. Sing-song happy. I hope you will all be reading it one day soon - and that it will make you happy, too! I got thisclose to finishing my memoir in 2008. So it will be done very early in 2009. That was a big accomplishment in the year passed! I re-established a healthy exercise routine and dropped fifty pounds.
What about you? What were the good things that happened - that you created in your life - in 2008?
What are your plans for 2009?
I'm going to do the following:
- Lose 5 pounds each month. That's 60 pounds next year! I'll almost be at goal by 2010! C'mon, 5 pounds! That is SO do-able!
- Finish my memoir by my birthday - January 22
- Have a Maui party and bring the joy of the island to my friends. (I had wanted to take my parents back to Maui this year but I got laid off in May and am still looking for a job. Instead of going to the island, the island will have to come to us this year! Remember when they told us that if you had a degree in computers you'd have a job for life? They lied! That's okay, I'm taking it as a sign that I'm supposed to be a writer - not a systems analyst.)
- NO plastic bags! I'm not taking any from any stores. (I read that the average person gets 700 plastic bags per year!)
- I am not going to cuss any more. I probably won't cuss any less, either - but I'm definitely not going to cuss any more!
To those of you that I was lucky enough to spend time with last year, THANKS! You added to a FABULOUS year in my life. I hope we cross paths again in 2009.
To everyone, I wish you a happy, healthy, fun and fabulous 2009! Go out and create the year you want! I'm going to!